Thursday, March 18, 2010

An Ode about My Homeland

Simply beautiful island.

Awesome sites.

Independent you’ve become.

Naturally beautiful.

Twin pitons- your pride and joy.

Lovely vegetation you’ve grown.

Unique Sulphur Springs.

Creative people you bore.

Inviting sandy beaches everywhere.

Amazing historical places.

By: Zhane Joseph

An Ode about St. Lucia

Sunshine isle, Fair Helen.

Amazing things to see.

Incredible sites to visit.

Nature walks through the rainforest.

The majestic pitons, national gems.

Located in the Caribbean.

Unity- the people’s goal.

Culturally oriented people.

Island in the West Indies.

Adventurous things to do.

By: Elijah Emmanuel

An Ode about Saint Lucia

Sandy beaches with sparkling waters.

Amazing rivers and refreshing waters.

Intelligent people, young and old.

National pride we uphold.

Together all of us are one.

Land of beaches, hills and valleys.

Unlimited access to the historic sites.

Caribbean gem “Fair Helen”.

Inviting landmarks everywhere.

Amerindian culture we still enjoy- canoe making fishing and farming.

By: Jeannick Serieux

Ode about Saint Lucia

BY: Jervon Williams
Scenic and serene Caribbean Island
Adequate sites to amaze tourists
Indigenous birds of beauty
Nature walks and trails island wide
Tropical location, tropical climate

Lots of magnificent beaches
Unique trees especially the Calabash
Coastal communities and fishing villages
Inland waterfalls, some incredible sites
Amicable, warm and generous people

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Learn Fast Ready Position

This video is about the Ready position in a tennis game. I chose this video because it is similar to what I’m teaching. The different techniques of ready position are:

1.If the racket is held up front and both hands is on the same area that is the handle then it makes it easy to hit a Fore Hand or Back Hand.
2. Legs should be apart with knees bent to allow easy movement from left to right or right to left.
3. Eyes should always be on ball when it is served. If you are not in the ready position then the server won’t serve the ball.

So ready position is important in a game of tennis.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Eat Your Colors!

This month is "Nutrition" month at the after-school program. Our children will be learning about traditional foods in addition to understanding good nutritional eating.

"Eat Your Colors" is a program designed to help children understand good nutrition. People may not realize a colorful diet is actually a heart-healthy diet.

Below is a short videos designed to encourage a more "colorful" life!